The Frog Prince - Princess?

Living on a homestead you are exposed to all sorts of experiences from planned to spontaneous, funny to sad, neat to disgusting. The boys are always bringing in all manner of things they find outside. The other day JW2 found a very large toad somewhere in our garden.


He came running in the house with it. After properly exclaiming over it, I redirected him back outside with it along with his little brothers who were fascinated with his find.


The toad was so big all three of the younger boys had to use both hands to hold it.


They looked the toad over thoroughly and properly admired him; a true case of beauty in the eye of the beholder!


After much pleading TW finally got his hands on the toad for his five minutes of fame with him. He made sure I had the camera on and was photographing his adventure!


A toad plus a kiss equals a beautiful princess! Right?!


A standoff - the toad had no intention of turning into a beautiful princess for this young heart-breaker!


"This one's broken!"


MJW of course had to have his turn holding "Hoppy". A contagious smile and laugh produced free of charge!


The boys eventually let the toad go, and watched him closely. Interestingly enough, we learned he would rather walk rapidly away, versus hopping. I did not know they walked this way, or how fast he could cover ground!


He headed quickly for some camouflage, and began his disappearing act into my strawberries. Looks as if he’s been feeding well around the homestead!